Thursday, December 11, 2008


Did I not love you enough¿ I asked my mp3 player. But it did not answer. For it had slipped away quietly sometime in the morning, and I had not seen it since. A thorough search of my pack yielded only a camera chord and a mocking empty space. Retracing all my steps would be futile and so gave it up reluctantly as an offering... to sit constantly in silence or be forced to engage people. Forlorn I went to bed early and disavowed yoga in the morning. I sat staring into the peach space above my bed for an hour.

Ironic since as I was walking home last night I ate at a place called ¨Fusion¨ ... which was completely empty, and it lead me down the spirally thoughts of life as a solo traveler. Exactly how comfortable am I with myself¿ At what point does the alone become lone. As it was I was already taking great risks with my life by, as I discovered 1/2 way thru a particularly tasty lemonade with sodawater, eating icecubes. I shook my head at my great recklessness. I finished the lemonade.

And I walked back to a coffeeshop that is apparently run by christians. Though the place was closed for a church service. They are my people, so there´s no shunning them, but I was suddenly conflicted over finding so many english speaking brethren all at once. I could in a moment, have all my questions answered and probably very easily have people to speak to for the next couple days or at least good breakfast lunch suggestions. And I could´ve stayed for some songs and coffee. But all I said was, I´m feeling restless. So I went back to as discovered, sans mp3 player, and wondered if I should´ve stayed.


Anonymous said...

You wouldn't want to be too comfortable too soon.

~sarah said...

how did i miss this post?! gah! i'm so sad you lost it. bummer. you'll just have to listen to the music in your soul. ; )

penelope said...

I missed this post, too! Man, that stinks.

I like that your question mark was upside down. You really are out of the country! This isn't just a ruse!