Sunday, December 14, 2008


I´ve spent the last couple days convalescing from my sojourn. Mainly because apparently exercise induced asthma can be nasty and last for days. LAME. Though I feel a bit of a ponce for saying, yah, asthma, thats what did me in. But it did. So suck it asthma. Hacking cough, malaise and all! LAME. So I go for walks, go lay down, watch HBO, wander, take some pictures. It´s not a bad existence. But you know i had to let go of my schedule which included: yoga, giant market shopping place, village tour (though i tried and tried on that front)...Also I´ve made contact with my tour people. No hot guys. Bummer. So You know I¨m not going to go to our free salsa lessons now. Forget it. And then there´s that- oh you´ve climbed mt. kiliminjaro? and cycle to work everyday? And then the I´m traveling for 6 months down through south america sort. There´s always someone there to trump you. I won´t ever win and my whole being feels anachranistic to everyone else I meet. But no matter. I kick ass anyway. (I´m full of self validations today).

In the meantime I´ve observed a quincinera, wedding preperations, a funeral, a couple processions, and loads of anticipating of the Christmas... Life is happening all around me and I don´t feel so much of a tourist bubble. Maybe my copious amounts in the internet cafe listening to soccer and n.american music. Tomorrow AM we leave for the COPAN RUINS... something like 11 hours? You know I´m totally psyched. Ok, I am about the ruins, but people the horror of that kind of day travel. Luckily I swiped a book and Harriet the Aussie already promised she´d lend me her ipod... game of cards anyone??

See you on the very long side of tomorrow (or the day after.) One can never be sure.
So`´long from ANTIGUA.


~sarah said...

loved the curved wall photo! i seriously want a copy of that. : ) also, why do you need harriet's ipod? what happened to your mp3 player and the most awesomest travel playlist ever? : )

Somebody's Mom said...

Sadly the mp3 player parted ways with K on the 11th.

~sarah said...

i just found that post. i think i was to distracted by pen's volcano info to notice it earlier. boo. (to the loss of the mp3 player, not to pen's post, which i thoroughly enjoyed.)

~sarah said...

too, i meant "too distracted," not "to distracted." :)

Anonymous said...

Boldly going forth. Never mind trumping, go for the wild card.