Friday, February 13, 2009

The House of Lo

Hello Good People,
I've been laid lo by a cold of some sorts. I blame not doing yoga for 2 months. . . allowing some sort of sinus thing to set up shop in my system. But I shall trace myself back to the night before I left- when I suddenly felt dizzy. Wait, that's boring... there was this part where I was sneaking a wooden duck on a plane. And I felt victorious for not having to spend $15 to check anything. Historic! Totally got away with it.

But onward, into the dark night to finally see my friend Penelope. There was much rejoicing. And a bowl of chili and Kaleigh yelling out in a happy voice, It's Keirran! That was pretty cute. She won me over quickly which allowed me to forgive her for waking me up with shrill cries around 7am in the morning. Something about wanting something... which is as much a familiar refrain for her as for me. So I could identify. I was still on LA time and didn't really get to bed until 2am. I persevered in my sleeping for a little bit longer... but shuffled my self out to the mayhem, which in fact contains some charm in the form of 2kids and a somewhat exasperated Penelope, equally charming and way more verbal.

We were going to visit a beef farm but alas it was closed... and so wandered around the small town of Hillsbourough which has historical signs and an organic grocer. Though we did note the delicious sandwich we were sharing contained corn syrup in the mayo. We are not sure why but we are supsicious.

Sometime after we headed to Chez Lo, where the true analysis of all things Penelope began. Should I regain my strength I will do my best to report my findings.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Schu Goes East

Look at me go!

joblessness won't stop me. There was a glut recently in parking tickets and traffic infractions that might slow me down but only for a little bit. It's just a reminder that life can get fucked up fairly fast. By carelessness or a series of small missteps, and suddenly you're broke, or in jail, or homeless, or you lose your license, and it's a fucked up but short trip sometimes to the bottom. I think that's what all these traffic tickets remind me. And also the importance of grace for people, not just for myself. Preferably in a position to give it and be on the receiving end of it. Because in the face of things like rule violations that are so pointless but necessary sometimes you just wonder.

But I digress- i'm heading to North Carolina for a week. To see my long lost friend Penelope. So I'll be back on the blog in all its glory... and seeing what it's like even after all my travels. And so far the shaking of the memory seive is going well... the volcano climbing seems to be the most significant. We'll see what else comes through... along with upcoming ghost tours and time with toddlers... i'm sure there will be plenty of fodder here for my memories files also.