Monday, July 9, 2012

on the way to work

here is the SB in jeju

though as i've found in most coffee houses here- iced latte has way too much milk so ive now had to learn "less" in order to perfect my beverage experience everywhere.
i must document this more fully as from here its too small to see but everyday people clean up the seaweed on the beach. EVERY-DAY. to me ecologically this hardly seems prudent. i mean yes i suppose the beach then is "clean" but still its this relentless maintenance i struggle with.

though this seems an idle beach shot - when the weather was turning perfect i obviously had to don the outfit and go meditate right there. in that spot in full view of all the old people cleaning up the seaweed everyday. im not sure which one of us seems the more ridiculous.

ah heres the coffee shop before work. theyve gotten my lattes just right. i'm going to go there this morning i think.

random art. love.

the massive swath of condos that displaced i dont know how many poor farmers. theres more coming to the east and just south. it was a beautiful windswept fieldy place.

tireplace and bus place

crossing the road