Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Snow Flurries,

Right so, I checked out early, quietly rolling my suitcase and tip toeing out of the hallway where a couple uber budget people were sleeping, as this random old guy was sweeping snow from the steps. I thought aw, pretty it snowed! Then I thought, ugh drat. Because hauling the luggage on mostly smoothe sidewalks was already not the best experience. But nevermind, off I go- it's quiet but for a few people. I walk a few blocks, I find an elevator, go down into the depths all the while telling myself i have time. Plenty of time. I left way earlier than I was going to and might as well. But then I encountered my first set of stairs. I shouldve kept walking to see if there was an easier way but up i went with each suitcase in hand. Then down the street, hoping it was the right direction, to my storage locker, back with my 150lbs of luggage, down another 100yds, down an elevator through some turnstiles, to a platform i was only 50/50 certain if i should wait for the 2nd train or take this next one- unclear on the matter still I got on but then heard transfer for the 5 train and would i have had to if i had waited? - so down more corridors, another 200 yards, up 3 flights of stairs, to another platform, ok, i've still got time- my shoulders and muscles burning. Finally on my way in the right direction and everything, down another passage, up another elevator and finally reached the airport and began the hungry search for an abandoned luggage cart- i found one, slogging toward it with only 20minutes left before my imaginary deadline- and unloading myself- i literally lept up and ran down the corridor. I felt so light and free. I thought, just think of the exercise you just got. What a work out! In the back of my mind i thought- why didnt' you just take a TAXI! But look at all that muscle and strength work, and... ugh, why didn't i just take a TAXI! Forever the tension of my circumstances- is efficiency and more money spent really the best way? The cheaper way I really did take my time, and get a serious workout that I was capable of doing. Where's the line? Was being frugal the only reason I dragged all my suitcases or did i want the challenge? Was I being stubborn or ...

At the airporto: They checked me in, didn't even blink that my luggage was overweight. Didn't weigh my carry-on and sent me on my way. Which made me think why did I laden my coat with 10extra pounds in the pockets... And in a quick two more hours it was over. At first as i fussed with my luggage I thought they would be worried and waiting for me with a happy sign, but no-  the first person to greet me was a rather large and tall australian warning people against an international school that wasn't paying it's teachers. He kept catching my eye and unfortunately the only other white person in the terminal bent over work no less was the person I was looking for right behind him. So we had to hear his story and she and her husband, trapped as i was, shook my hand heartily and said, well welcome to Jeju. I can't say it was an auspicious beginning. But more true maybe?

And from there, big fluffy snowpuffs were coming at us in horizontal directions straight off the ocean. A wicked storm blowing straight from the north. Apparently not the worst as evidenced out my window today. Shudder, as I absolutely dread going out today. But anyway, after debate about whether or not E had time, they finally agreed to take me to lunch to a full korean spread- which started with pumpkin puree and then a host of things i barely remember as i left my camera in the van- from jellyfish, to seaweed miso, to rice and beans, to sprouts, and pork and whatever else. Then capped off with a little cup of instant coffee and milk from a machine as we left. Was pretty tasty. And then off to my apartment to settle in, and only if i felt like it should i come to school....


pen said...

OMG YOU ATE JELLYFISH. (this is what I took away.)

schu said...

i actually didn't eat the jellyfish. sg ate it all before i tried it. i am not sure where all this food phobia of yours is coming from. you have been in the sticks tooooo long ;)

i had really exotic things like eggs and potatos for breakfast. :P

pen said...

ouch on the sticks slam. :-p the food names simply conjured muppets without descriptors and photos, which you've since provided, delightfully. however ingesting a a creature known for stinging limbs - ? I have concerns.

almost anonymous said...

Jellyfish seems like it would be...gooey. :oP

rc-d said...

you left the camera in the van?!!!

schu said...

it was the school's van- i got the camera right back but it was a tragic oversight.