Saturday, March 17, 2012

By Bus,

this is my trip home from the museum. a jawachingly gorgeous day as i flew home to what would be impending illness, malaise and listlessness, but i did have my camera, and some honey, ginger lemontea. i'll have to post more pics soon... once i uh, take them and aren't suffering from some hideous airborne virus that sucks the will to live out of most hair folicles. ps. dont' let those palm trees fool you.


somebody's mom said...

Those are some tough palms.

somebody's mom said...

Now that you have shown us a bit of your world and as I am never satisfied, and you previously lamented that your camera had dust on it and that maybe you needed an assignment; I would love to see your route to work and home in various weather conditions and doors and or entries. Heart you.

almost anonymous said...

Photos! :)