Wednesday, March 14, 2012


I  might have to start a running ticker of "shit my boss says". Like on Monday when she wants to talk over having lesson objectives which yes, absolutely i should. And repeat things, she's said before but still dont make sense to me, and then says casually like a thought flying out of an impolite place "they didn't learn anything in the entire hour"... i note the bullet come whizzing by me, fragments shrapnel into my brain and I'm left with that sentence of death working it's way into me bit by bit... i spend the rest of the... oh, god, it's only been 3 days...stopping bloodloss, and then on tuesday feeling i've overcome another obstacle by even showing up with the flu and working, she says, oh i thought you were going to call in sick. I waited, after 1030 though too late. It's much harder to replace someone if they leave during the work day... (insert subtext)... there was more but because of the sickness it's all whirling around me in vapors. As ive spent the midafternoon portions of the day with an unnatural sweat on my brow and convincing myself vomiting is unnecssary.
They didn't learn anything. Ah, awesome. Good thing i'm intuitive and self-aware or her comment might have actually been fatal... but let's not dwell on it as i do everytime i now lesson plan for them, ok? ok. Let's focus on how each day has seemed longer than the last, and that i wake up in a sweat, and wonder why i'm not well yet. Or how i'm out of food and spending $6 a day on taxis.

Anyway i better not go on. It's bedtime anyway right. And no, don't tell me it's going to get better or easier. i may well just send a giant butterfly to carry off your head... as i suggested to one class just a couple of hours ago. They laughed. They weren't at all taking me seriously. Then again, another class I said I liked soju and they all were in an uproar which led to a downspiral in conversation, and they were asking what the word was for "ugly" to "beautiful"... i finally figured out- plastic surgery and how to say "i took too many sleeping pills"... not to be beat by my other class going on about how nkorea was sure to send missiles to jeju and kill us. I'm glad they're at least working the language barrier. I could think of a few i'd like to send my boss but i'm lost in translation currently- and as i said, night.

come on thursday!


somebody's mom said...

Hurray! It's Thursday for you. Back in the day when we were stressed in HR, we had a large piece of printer paper on the back of the door to the room that wasn't the interview room and wrote criptic notes about the stressors. I remember it being very theraputic. Carry On.

pen said...

charming, the children and the boss lady too. :-/