Wednesday, October 19, 2011

But where!?

The thing of it is, I've met someone else.

Oh, Kang. It's not that I don't love you- it's just that you want me to go to Seoul. I'm avoiding Seoul like I'm allergic to NewYork. I know you have to give everyplace a 3rd time but I'll probably be in Korea before I get the chance to be absolutely certain that it's emotionally toxic to me. I mean part of me thinks yes, let's go extreme and crushing and vast and concrete because it's different. But if it's got all the western amenities I could want and more, (besides shoes and plussizes) is it really? I found that in every European country i went to- same/same. Comme ci comme ca. Familiar, getting aroundness. So then I thought, ok, let's go to the Korean LA/SF. But if it's SF it's not my bag as i'm patently not a baysider. And if it's LAish then well, I'm here and i've been there done that. And any city is really a city. And what about the fact that I'm suppose to be fasting from all that BUY ME and GO HERE and DO THAT, So then I started thinking countryside? Or better yet what about an island?

Enter Mr. Jeju.
He caught my eye with this headline: 

Why Choose Jeju Island?
With its subtropical climate, picturesque beaches and mountainous terrain, Jeju provides a healthy alternative to the pollution of Korea's congested mainland cities. For those wanting a more active lifestyle, Jeju offers golf, tennis, scuba diving, windsurfing, biking, beach volleyball, ultimate Frisbee, surfing, rock climbing, or hiking up Halla San, Korea's highest mountain. New arrivals are always welcomed warmly by Jeju's friendly locals and close-knit foreigner community which ranges from 400-500 ESL teachers alone. If you are seeking a balanced adventure teaching English in Korea and love the outdoors, Jeju is the place for you.

 And though Starbucks has yet to make it over there even though they've been in korea since 1999- well, maybe that's a good thing? (I don't know, i'm not ready to talk about it!!) So, Mr. Jeju emailed me back and then I emailed him back and now we've talked on the phone. He tells me everything i need to hear like, forget about korea until you have your fbi background check in aka relax! and you've got a 50/50 chance of getting a job here, but perhaps we can place you elsewhere too. Jeju, he's so pop-ulaaar. I might miss Kang and his friendconnection in the midst of this everyone wants me, but then... if i can't stumble upon a primo university position then maybe mr.islandman might be the 2nd best. Either way it's looking like January. Which come to think of it is right in between Dec and Feb. And Jeju is the outofleftfield from Seoul or Busan-- here's to keeping my options open- but not too open. I hate playing the field. And hopefully landing in the best place right when i need to.


pen said...


somebody's mom said...


Outdoor activities!


What is this 50/50 thing?