Monday, October 10, 2011

After the Interview,

Finally, talked with Kang. Who is a nice might aswell be the korean version of my Fb friend damon. Which lead to my first and hopefully not last interview. Who said i should smile more and not talk so fast.

It went well. I think? I spoke slowly. Clearly. Why Korea? Why teach kids? Strengths/Weaknesses? Homesickness? Boyfriend/Man go with you? Have you ever left the country? Where? For what purpose? Totally forgot until the end of the interview that i'd been to central america... but nevermind. I'll blog more about the 2nd interview later... bcs you care?

let's touch base with kang: [ please read on as your attention span allows]

schu: ooh!
schu:: yes hello
kang: hi!!!
schu: hello!
schu: good morning to you
kang: hi!
schu: are things well over there?
kang: Yes...Perfectly fine.

kang: She likes you.
kang: I will ask her to interview you through skype.. one more time.
kang: My concern is your documentation....
schu: Ok. My one hesitation is that I'd be the only foreign teacher there though.
schu: Yes.
schu: I hope it will be here by November
kang: Here in Korea most of the schools have only one foreign teacher.
kang: 90% of the schools..
schu: Oh it was my understanding that was more the case for public schools?
schu: Ah.
schu: Ok.
kang: Public schools can have 2-3 teachers.
schu: I see.
kang: a few school may have more than 5 teachers.
schu: Damon wanted me to ask how long they have been in business?
schu: Is this something you would know?
kang: Otherwise, one foreign teacher is pretty common.
kang: I will ask her.
kang: I have known for 2 years.
kang: It seems the school is pretty stable.
kang: She has around 3 Korean teachers.
schu: So it is a small school?
schu: That's good to know. I like thatyou know her and have worked with her before.

schu: Are you concerned my documentation will not be ready intime?
kang: the school owner is concerned about it.
kang: She may think you may not make it on time when she needs you.
schu: Ah yes. Was it end of december yes?
kang: Yes...End of December.
[i go on and on about what i've done so far]
schu: I understand though about timing though. It may be better to hire a teacher who will be ready sooner.
schu: We hope for no delays. 

kang: I will ask her about your concerns/anything you want to know.
kang: - How long the business, anyother ?
schu: I should like to talk to the teacher that is leaving as well :)
kang: I will arrange it for your conversation with the teacher who is leaving soon.
schu: Thank you very much.

kang: Schu....Don't worry. I will not put you in a bad school.
kang: I promise.
schu: : D
kang: Damon is monitoring me.
schu: Hahaha
kang: It is my responsibilty to take care of it.
schu: You speak to my fears. Thank you.
schu: I say, I will have what God has for me. It is hard though. I want to step wisely.

kang: I just can't do a certain things which you may ask me to do.
kang: Because they are school owners and also my clients.
schu: Let me know when that is the case. I want to respect your boundaries.
kang: I will be very neutral and do my best to make you feel secured.
schu: I am not sure when i ask too much.
kang: I will let you know.
schu:: thank you.
kang: When I approach to her asking your conversation with the leaving teacher.
kang: I should speak very nicely and technically about it not to offend her.
kang: And making her to allow what we want to do .
schu: Yes, i understand. For me i wish to know nuances of her experience.
schu: And not to judge the school good/bad.
schu:: But i understand, delicate.

kang: OK...I am happy to work with you.
kang: I would like to see you soon in Koera.
schu: yes, i am getting more excited to come everyday.
kang: Are you a Christian ?
schu: Yes.
kang: I am a Christian. Damon also too.
kang: I would like you to see this then.
kang: Give me a second...I will give you the link to our English Worship Service..
kang: I hope you like it.

[church website chatter]

schu: thank you for sharing this.
kang: I got to go now. Saturday here with my family members...hehe..You have a good weekend too!!
schu: Thank you!
schu: Yes. Have a good day.
kang: AnyQuestions about anything ..just feel free to send an email. or skype...
schu: Yes. I'll try to think of some
kang: talk to you soon.
schu: and i'll let you know.
schu: yes!
schu: thank you!
kang: bye...

1 comment:

pen said...

I kind of love Kang.